4 Hand massage

Our four handed massage is performed by two therapists in synchronisation and has the same effect as two full body massages.
The therapists will combine slow and relaxing motions with harder, deeper movements to target each of your problems whilst keeping you completely relaxed. Because of this, it is not unusual to experience other types of massage during this treatment, including deep tissue, relaxing and even reflexology.

The addition of two extra hands means your brain is unable to predict or monitor the motions and pressures of all four hands. This means you are in a better state of mind to ‘let go’ during the treatment and will allow your muscles to absorb and react to the therapy.
Typically, the therapists will base their massage around long, slow sweeping movements that will put your whole body into a state of relaxation. They will then add some targeted techniques to break down the build up of tissue around your muscles that cause pain, aches and inflammation.